Sunday, October 5, 2014


  • IMMIGRATION:  Instead of worrying so much about Illegal Immigration because its Illegal! And we need to start worrying more about Legal Immigration.  I am in support of Immigration as long as it is done legally. It is Unfair and Irresponsible to open the borders up as Obama did. As instructed, the mainstream media focused on the "children" in hopes to get support to enforce the 2005 North American Union and the dropping of borers a plan for their New World Order. Since mainstream media no longer reports actual news, what you didn't hear much about was the criminal elements charged with extreme crimes that came over; or the infestation of bed bugs that started an epidemic in Hospitals and Doctors offices; the number of children that came over with Tuberculosis which is not only highly contagious, but we foot the bill to hospitalize them all. Its these kinds of issues that keep the borders up in the first place, and why its important the if there is any kind of reform done- its on Legal Immigration Reform and not Illegal. Illegal is just that. Whether you are for or opposed to the border issues- the first priority should always be the best interest of the American Peoples health, safely, and ability to support and care for the "Legal" Immigrants. Most do not have an issue with Immigration, providing a system is legal followed. Just opening the borders to whatever elements that wants to come over, especially since the Obama administration claims ISIS was at the border coming into America is the real issue at hand. Not those that want to have a better life in America. 


I apologise in advance for any errors that occur due to its reformatting.

"Illegal Alien": The Proper Terminology Under federal law, any non-U.S. citizen is an alien. Aliens who have entered the United States without permission, or who have violated the terms of their  admission , are identified under the law as illegal aliens. That is a fact, not an issue for debate.Misrepresenting Wage Gains for 1986 Amnesty Recipients: The Center for American Progress Distorts Data to Fit Their Amnesty Agenda  The presentation of the  Department of Labor (DOL) survey is based on a misreading of the data because Hinojosa and others are making the argument that amnesty will raise the "wage floor" for the average illegal alien. What the DOL survey actually revealed was that the earnings of those 1986 amnesty recipients who were younger, better educated, spoke English well, were earning better than average wages before amnesty -- indicating higher levels of  job skills  -- and were not from Mexico, continued to outpace the earnings of those who did not fit this profile.Temporary Protected Status (2013)Illegal aliens get work permits under Temporary Protected StatusAnalysis of Claims of an Economic Benefit from Amnesty FAIR responses to the Center for American Progress (CAP) claims on economic benefit from Amnesty.Illegal Aliens Who Pay Taxes May Claim Tax Credits (2013) Organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) have mounted a campaign to convince lawmakers that amnesty for the nearly 12 million illegal alien residents is justified on economic grounds. FAIR's analysis of the IPC's claim that illegal aliens are an important source of tax revenue exposes the underlying false assumptions used to assert that illegal alien workers already pay a fair share of taxes and would pay even more if they gained legal status.  Would the Dreamer Amnesty Benefit the Economy? (2013) The DREAM Act is Not Justified as an Economic BoonThe DREAM Act is a limited amnesty provision designed to further the eventual adoption of a general amnesty. The argument that the measure would benefit the economy is a distraction from the massive fiscal costs of the full-scale amnesty for which it would be a precursor. Further, the research that suggests the DREAM Act would result in a large economic benefit is based on unrealistic assumptions and flawed analysis. Only in passing do the researchers who assert the economic benefit of adoption of the DREAM Act note that their analysis fails to consider any offsetting fiscal costs. Flawed Claims of Improved Earnings of Amnestied Aliens (2013) Organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) have mounted a campaign to convince lawmakers that amnesty for the nearly 12 million illegal alien residents is justified on economic grounds. FAIR's analysis of one of the principal research studies relied on by CAP finds that the research misunderstands or misrepresents the results of survey data obtained from beneficiaries of the 1986 amnesty. Rather than the reported finding of economic progress by the amnesty recipients, the survey  data reveal economic progress for only a minority of the amnesty beneficiaries and economic slippage for the majority of beneficiaries. Local Immigration Enforcement (2013  )State and local efforts can make a difference Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs (2013) FAIR estimates that roughly 8.5 million illegal immigrants have taken jobs away from Americans. Read the 2013 brief to see what states and sectors are affected the most.US Mexico Border Fence and Patrol Operations (2013)Is the border secure? Read FAIR's brief on border fence & patrol operations to see recent statistics on illegal crossings from Mexico.Illegal Immigration is a Crime (2013)Legal proscriptions against aiding and abetting etc.Demographics of the Illegal Alien Population (2013)Based on two studies mandated by Congress, the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act provided two studies in 1992 and 1996 of the demographics of illegal immigration.Congressional Seats and Federal Outlays (2013)Giving weight to illegal aliensAmnesty: Breaking the Social Security Bank (2012)With the looming crisis of Social Security going bankrupt in the coming decades, how would the additional burden of amnesty affect the Social Security Trust Fund?Criminal Aliens (2012)Criminal aliens are a growing threat to public safety and national security, as well as a drain on our scarce criminal justice resources.Section 245(i): "Adjustment of Status" (2011)An amnesty provision tested and discreditedHow Many Illegal Immigrants? (2011)FAIR estimates that in 2010 the illegal alien population is about 12 million persons. Government and academic estimates estimate that population at about 11 million.The Truth About Employment-Based Immigration (2011)Although big business likes to claim that our present high level of immigration is necessary for its survival and the robustness of our economy, the fact is that only a small fraction of today's million plus new green cards  issued annually go to highly-skilled workers. How did Illegal Aliens Arrive: Without Inspection or With Visas? (2011)Illegal aliens are divided into two categories; those who crossed the border illegally and those who entered with visas as nonimmigrants and stayed illegally.Immigration and Big Labor (2010)Over eleven million Americans are out of work and millions more are in danger of losing their jobs. One would think that, at this time, American labor unions would be stepping up to protect American workers, but just the opposite is occurring. Right now the largest labor unions in the U.S. are lobbying Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegal workers, to stop enforcing laws against employers who hire illegal workers, and to keep up the flow of millions more foreign workers.Department of Homeland Security's Non-Enforcement Policy (2010)A series of policy changes announced by the Department of Homeland Security in 2010 demonstrate that the Obama administration is implementing a stealth amnesty - halting deportation of illegal aliens - for persons it hopes to benefit in the future with a permanent amnesty. This policy triggered a "vote of no confidence" by the professional employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.Birthright Citizenship (2010)The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the current practice of considering children born in the United States to automatically acquire U.S. citizenship. This issue is also commonly termed the "anchor baby" issue.State and Local Cooperation on Immigration Enforcement: ICE Access (2010)There are several programs that currently facilitate cooperation between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and state and local law enforcement agencies. Most of these programs managed by DHS's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) branch are grouped under the rubric of ICE Access. The ICE Access programs most often in the news are Secure Communities and 287(g).The Push For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens (2010)Review some of the common talking points from pro-amnesty advocates and their argument doesn't work.Interior Immigration Enforcement - Musical Chairs (2009)The Obama Administration has launched a new worksite enforcement policy that ostensibly is aimed at employers and avoids the arrests of illegal workers that was an integral aspect of previous enforcement efforts. This new policy likely will have the effect of undermining any effective prosecution of employers for deliberately hiring illegal alien workers and leave the illegal workers free to seek a new job.Paving the Road to Amnesty (2009)As President Obama closes the books on his first year in office, his record, as opposed to his rhetoric, now defines his political agenda. During 2009, President Obama's record on immigration policy points to certain inescapable conclusions. The overriding objectives of this administration are to enact a massive amnesty for current illegal aliens and vastly expand future flows of immigration to the United States.Remittances to Mexico (2009)Even as the federal government expands its criminal investigation of companies hiring illegal aliens, it has been helping those same workers send money home cheaply.Illegal Alien or "Undocumented Immigrant?" (2009)America uses the term "illegal alien" to describe someone in our country in violation of our immigration laws not to demean someone, but rather because it is the correct, and legally recognized, term.Employment Document Verification (2009)Learn about the background and effectiveness of E-Verify, the federal employment document verification program.Illegal Immigration and Public Health (2009)Costs and imported infectious diseases.Employer SanctionsNews accounts of employer convictions or confessions of hiring illegal aliensExamples of Serious Crimes of Illegal AliensNews accounts of crimes that may have been prevented if the alien had been deported or stopped from entering the country illegally.The Costs to Local Taxpayers for Illegal Aliens (2008)Summary fiscal cost estimates by state amount to $36.6 billion dollars annually for providing public K-12 education, incarceration and emergency medical care for illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children.Attrition of Illegal Immigrants through Enforcement (2008)Learn how illegal immigration can be reduced by enforcing current laws, securing our national borders and closing the loopholes on employing illegal immigrants.Foreign Consulate Operations in the United States (2008)There are limits to what foreign government officials may do abroad despite their immunity from the applications of our laws in most cases.How to Report Illegal ImmigrantsLocal ICE office phone numbersWhy Amnesty Isn't the Solution (2007)Amnesty didn't work in 1986. See what the 27-year-old failed policy costs U.S. taxpayers and why it wouldn't work in 2013.Unlicensed to Kill (2006)Illegal aliens are a hit-and-run threatU.S. Cuba Policy Rewards Illegal Immigration (2006)Only Cubans get automatic paroleOrganizations Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (2005)2005-2006Mexico's Defense of Illegal Immigrants (2005)Intervening in U.S. domestic affairsWhat's Wrong With Illegal Immigration? (2005)Economic, fiscal, and social impacts.Illegal Aliens in Elections and the Electoral College (2004)The federal government has turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could determine an election outcomeHuddle 1996 study of costs of illiegal iimmigration (2004)Illegal alien workers may increase profits for employers, but they are costly to the American taxpayer.Social Security Funds for Illegal Aliens? (2003)Proposed agreement with MexicoMexican Matricula Consular ID Cards (2003)Intervening in U.S. domestic affairs."Sanctuary" Policies (2003)Some local governments shelter illegal aliensTaxpayers Subsidizing College for Illegal Aliens (2003)Some states burden taxpayers.Day Laborer Hiring Sites (2002)Providing jobs for illegal aliensThe Law Against Hiring or Harboring Illegal Aliens (1999)Legal overview.

Legal Immigration
Characteristics of Legal Immigrants (2013) The characteristics of legally admitted immigrants vary widely in terms of their age and the work experience they bring. This analysis looks in particular at the share of immigrants entering on the basis of various visa categories and the shares of those immigrants with work qualifications and how the share of those prospective workers compares to the share of the accompanying family members.Rising Immigrant Admissions to the United States (2013)Legally admitted immigrants have increased enormously since the 1965 change in the immigration law that reopened the door to mass immigration. The rate of this upward trend varies among the states over the past 10 years, but may be seen in all states but one.Annual Immigration (2012)Admission data for the immigration categories.An Immigration Reform Agenda for the 112th Congress (2011)FAIR presents this Immigration Reform Agenda for the 112th Congress as a guide for ending illegal immigration, reducing legal immigration to a more sustainable level, and improving/enhancing national security--thereby lifting the burden on the American taxpayer and improving our quality of life.An Immigration Reform Agenda for the 110th Congress (2008)No truly effective comprehensive immigration reform bill passed in the 109th Congress because the entire immigration debate was saddled by proposals to enact a mass amnesty and reward those who have broken the law.Soaring Immigration (2008)Admissions have jumped since the already historically high 1990s level.Free Trade Agreements (2003)which provide for freer trade in goods and services, have also been used to limit the flexibility of the United States to adjust its immigration admissions downward. Congress has warned the Executive Branch to avoid including immigration provisions in future agreements.Refugees and Asylees (2003)U.S. refugee admissions are higher than the rest of the world combined, yet advocates push for increases as well as expanded asylum admissions.Immigration "Time-Out" (Moratorium) (2003)Halt non-core admissions until border control is established, and pressures on the environment, public services, and the assimilation process are eased.U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (2003)The bipartisan, national USCIR (the Jordan Commission) recommended reductions in legal admissions.Self-Sufficiency Screening (2003)Exclusion of 'pubic charges' people who depend on public welfare is seldom enforced.Refugees (2003)Admissions have been stretched to include persons not considered refugees by the United Nations.Asylum (2002)Fraud and abuse characterize the use of asylum to avoid deportation.Unlimited Immigration (2002)Because some classes of immigration are unlimited, the overall number of immigrants admitted annually continues to rise.Chain Migration (2002)Extended family sponsorship leads to untenable waiting lists and serves no national interest.Million Dollar Visas (2002)The investor visa program "sells" visas and has been tarnished by fraud.Nuclear Family Reinification (2002)Limit family-sponsored immigration to spouses and minor children to reduce backlogs and restore moderate admission levels.Lottery Visas (2002)Stop encouraging additional immigration through lottery visas.Dual Nationality (2002)U.S practice and problem areas.Naturalization (2002)Requirements for citizenship.

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